Athena Core Implementation Guide
2.33.0 - release

Athena Core Implementation Guide - Local Development build (v2.33.0) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

OperationDefinition: athenahealth Group Level Export

Official URL: Version: 2.33.0
Active as of 2024-04-12 Computable Name: AthenahealthGroupLevelExport

FHIR Operation to obtain a detailed set of FHIR resources of diverse resource types pertaining to all patients in specified Group. The FHIR server SHALL support invocation of this operation using the FHIR Asynchronous Request Pattern.

This OperationDefinition is a profile of the base group-export (v1.0.1) that limits the supported parameters.

URL: [base]/Group/[id]/$export



The format for the requested bulk data files to be generated as per FHIR Asynchronous Request Pattern. Defaults to application/fhir+ndjson.


A string of comma-delimited FHIR resource types. Only resources of the specified resource types(s) SHOULD be included in the response. If this parameter is omitted, the server SHOULD return all supported resources within the scope of the client authorization. For non-system-level requests, the Patient Compartment SHOULD be used as a point of reference for recommended resources to be returned as well as other resources outside of the patient compartment that are helpful in interpreting the patient data such as Organization and Practitioner. Resource references MAY be relative URIs with the format {resource type}/{id}, or absolute URIs with the same structure rooted in the base URI for the server from which the export was performed. References will be resolved looking for a resource with the specified type and id within the file set. Note: Implementations MAY limit the resources returned to specific subsets of FHIR, such as those defined in the Argonaut Implementation Guide.

INahDeidentification0..1codeathenahealth Deidentification Group (Required)

If this parameter is set then the export will generate an additional data set which is de-identified based on de-identification rules associated to the parameter value. If de-identification in the export is requested then the polling endpoint will require the 'deidentified' parameter to reduce the risk of accidental retrieval of identified data.